
Showing posts from March, 2014

The Bag Dresses

Oh yes, these dresses are just as attractive as they sound. Four years ago in preparation for Pennsic my best friend and I banged out three dresses and matching tunics for me to take. Did I mention it took took one weekend to make theses? Yeah. . . . These dresses were a nightmare. Neither of us knew much about sewing, none of the hems were double rolled . The dresses were made with modern patterns and never really looked right . They did not have gores in them, they were just to straight pieces of fabric sewed together with some sleeves. Not to mention they were huge on me. Unfortunately (or maybe not) I don't have many pictures of the dresses. You get the idea though. So, what is a broke college student to do? I really don't want to throw these away just because they suck. I mean it is still good fabric, a few years old maybe. However I only wore them to pennsic that one time. Then it hit me, I bought the fabric a couple of weeks ago to make some Viking style ap...


Hello, my name is Erin Bergman, also known as Emelyn de Chelesye within the Society for Creative Anachronisms . So far all of my costuming has been for the SCA, though I do plan on trying my hand at some cosplay once I feel like my skills are better. So the purpose of this blog is two-fold, one it would be really nice for me to have a place where I have recorded all of my projects incase I would like to visit them again. Often I find when searching for costuming websites I find that a lot of the links are dead, or old I used to like are just gone. Mostly though I am doing this for you. I am a very visual person. If I am going to make garb off of a website, I need pictures and I need the person to spell out every step. That kind of costuming website is kind of rare. When I began sewing I would find websites that assumed so much of me that I just did not have yet. Even though I wanted to learn there were other roadblocks in my way. So I figure the more advanced can skip over my slo...