

my name is Erin Bergman, also known as Emelyn de Chelesye within the Society for Creative Anachronisms. So far all of my costuming has been for the SCA, though I do plan on trying my hand at some cosplay once I feel like my skills are better.

So the purpose of this blog is two-fold, one it would be really nice for me to have a place where I have recorded all of my projects incase I would like to visit them again. Often I find when searching for costuming websites I find that a lot of the links are dead, or old I used to like are just gone.

Mostly though I am doing this for you. I am a very visual person. If I am going to make garb off of a website, I need pictures and I need the person to spell out every step. That kind of costuming website is kind of rare. When I began sewing I would find websites that assumed so much of me that I just did not have yet. Even though I wanted to learn there were other roadblocks in my way. So I figure the more advanced can skip over my slow explanations and the new can finally learn.

Thank you very much
Emelyn de Chelesye


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